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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Shameless Plug 

I know that there are readers who are clearly outside the generational (having graduated from high school in a year beginning with 19..) and geographic (see map below) parameters for this to directly relate to them, and that I've already sent an email to most who would be interested, but I'm still excited about the subject matter so I thought I'd post about it just this once.

This Friday (June 23) the college ministry is kicking off its summer study series by launching into Proverbs. We are going to look at the nature and structure of the wisdom book in general, and then dig into some real practical stuff from a range of topics. So far, I've been able to parse out the following topical areas in Proverbs:
  1. Contrasting:
    1. Righteousness / Wickedness
    2. Wisdom / Folly
    3. Wealth / Poverty
    4. Life / Death
    5. Humility / Pride
    6. Diligence / Sloth
  2. Right Use of:
    1. Heart / Mind
    2. Lips / Speech
    3. Eyes / Vision
    4. Ears / Hearing
  3. Regarding Relationships:
    1. Father / Son
    2. Youth / Health
    3. Marriage / Family
    4. Neighbor / Friend
  4. General:
    1. Insight / Understanding
    2. Instruction / Training
    3. Discipline / Reproof
Here's a tentative outline I'm working on for the first several chapters:

He uses the word shâma‛ (listen) 7 times and addresses his bên (son) 12 times. You'll have to come to the Student Ministries Room on Friday night at 7 PM if you want to find out if I think there's any significance to that.

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You have readers outside of the geographic map that's shown? That's astounding!!!

That map covers the whole earth, so if you have readers from somewhere else, that must mean ....

.... oh, wait a second ....

You must have meant the tiny little red circle/dot thingies ON the map.

Clearly, judging from my eyesight, I must be in that whole other generational portion.

- ted


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