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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Lightning smells like "Boom" 

If it wasn't her actual first, it was at least among her very first words. We were watching the fireworks down at the beach house and I had brought her outside. We were quite far away, so there wasn't any real sound with each brilliant flash of color. Instead, I whispered quietly in her ear each time one of the fireworks went off, "Boom." After about the 10th time, she began to repeat me. Then she was doing it on her own.

As a family, we love storms. We sit in the dark by the window, watching for the lightning and listening for the thunder. I believe some of the most peaceful times I can remember are sleeping to the sound of rain on the roof. It was especially nice in my attic apartment in Blacksburg, where my "room" was actually a 7' long, 6' wide, 4' tall little closet with just enough space for a bedroll (I slept on a Japanese futon for my last 3 years of college) and a bookshelf. My head was right up against the little dormer window. The rain sounded amazing.

Anyway, for some reason my daughters got to talking about lightning the other night, with one of them asking if that was lightning that flashed (maybe I had just taken a picture or something) and I remarked that it didn't smell like lightning. By now it doesn't really phase them when Daddy talks nonsense, so it shouldn't have taken me so off guard when the eldest answered my question, "What does lightning smell like?" so quickly and authoritatively, "Lightning smells like 'Boom'". Indeed it does.

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