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Friday, June 23, 2006

8 Weeks of Bad Poetry 

* Newsflash *
I'm tired of top tens for the moment. So for the summer, we're going to mix it up a bit. In college, I took a poetry class (it counted as my English requirement, since I had been exempted from Freshman English) and it got rather ugly, as I was an architecture major and got very little sleep and way too much creative stimulation. At any rate, I've got a bona fide bounty of beastly ballads, complete a cornucopia of corny cadence, and replete with a river of wretched rhymes. Yes, that's right... I am sorry to introduce to you...
Bad Poetry Friday. Today's entry:

Little beetle,
what do you see?
A shadow;
a shoe -
a shame!
I agree.

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Is there should be a sequel?

- ted



Ted -

I can only assume that your first question regards the ultimate outcome of our six-legged friend. Any further discussion on this point would ruin the poem.

Regarding your second question, it seems to me you may be having an issue with time zones. If I am correct in assuming that you are wondering why my post appears with a timestamp of 4:59 AM, rest assured that I am not at my keyboard at that ungodly hour furiously composing bad poetry. I believe you may find someplace where you can edit your preferences to indicate you are on the east coast, not the west.


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