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Friday, May 26, 2006

Someone Else's Friday Top Ten 

This might seem like a cop-out, but I thought it was good enough to pass along:

Justin Childers, from Cross-eyed, lists the top ten ways for his congregation to enhance their commitment to the church:

  1. Join a strong local Church
  2. Schedule around the Church
  3. Make your church leaders’ jobs a joy
  4. Attend the scheduled events
  5. Find a place to serve
  6. Give
  7. Connect with people
  8. Pray
  9. Never insult or complain about your church
  10. Prepare yourself for Sunday

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Russell, thank you for posting my list AND THANK YOU for posting your list in the comments section of one of my posts. Please visit my blog again and see that I have re-posted your list for everyone to see.

Please also answer one quesion for me: Did you do some study on this for a sermon or something?


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